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[S65] Datenbank RootsWeb's WorldConnect Project Global Search, Database: wendy2608 Nye and Related Families.
Johann George Baist/Bast/Best was born in 1756 in Gomfritz, Germany (now Stadteil von Schluchtern).
He had 2 brothers and 3 sisters. He was brought to America in 1776 by the British Government to fight against the Americans (he was a Hessian Soldier). His height was around 1.58 meters and his occupation was tailor.
Georg enterd the service Feb. 6, 1776. His father Johannes B. was 58 years old and he qualified for reduced taxes because he had a son who served as a soldier in America.
Georg was mustered March 22, 1776 in Nimwegan and took a ship slated for Canada initially, he transferred to a regiment in 1777 around Saratoga in an American prison. When the regiment was transferred from Massachusetts to Virginia he deserted somewhere along the way on January 3, 1779 in Taneytown, Maryland close to Littlestown. He remained in America.
[S33] nach Clemens Schreiber, -Auszüge aus Kirchenbüchern des Kreises Schlüchtern, Gomfritz, Trauungen, 01.04.1745.
Ist Johannes Balthasar Beist von Seidenroth mit Jungfer Anna Dorothea, weiland Jacob Jahns, gewesenen Untertans zu Gomfritz nachgelassener ehelicher Tochter kopuliert worden